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Population-Based Medicine

  • Abschluss Master
  • Dauer 4 Semester
  • Art Vollzeit

Population health sciences is the study of the conditions that shape distributions of health within and across populations. Population-based medicine can be defined as population health science with a focus on medical conditions and patient populations. It often works with big datasets and epidemiological and statistical methods to identify patterns in the diseases and health of large populations.

Population-based Medicine at the University of Tübingen

The Master’s Program Population-Based Medicine (PBM) offers a challenging program at a competitive international level for which high individual effort and performance are required. The program strives to prepare students to respond to both challenges and opportunities to improve health within and across populations. The goal is to train future population health experts with outstanding methodological knowledge and interdisciplinary expertise to address the full range of factors influencing health and disease (design, implementation and evaluation of intervention and prevention programs; development of policy recommendations, health education, and outreach at community and population level).

Career prospects:

  • Local planning and government offices(e.g.,Public Health Officer)
  • Hospitals (e.g., Health Promotion Specialist, CommunicationOfficer)
  • Consulting companies (e.g., Health Policy Analyst)
  • Health insurance companies (e.g., Health Data Scientist)
  • National and international (health) organizations (e.g., Program Manager)
  • Pharmaceutical companies (e.g, Population Health Scientist)
  • Universities and research institutes (e.g., Research Coordinator)
  • Non-governmental organizations (e.g., Strategic Partnership Analyst)
  • Various companies (e.g., Occupational Health Manager)

The program also provides a solid foundation for PhD studies.

Admission requirements 

  • A Bachelor's Degree of at least six semesters in health sciences or an equivalent degree in a related field of study with a grade of 2.5 or better (German grading system).
  • English language skills at level B2 of the CEFR

Fees & Financing

  • The program only requires payment of the current semester's fee for national and international students. International students from non-EU countries further have to pay tuition fees of approx. 1,500 EUR per semester.

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